The Mark Covern Blog

Stay amused with Mark's direct thoughts

April 01, 2019 / by mark

My Big Confession

Sorry, fam, but I have a big confession to make.

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March 20, 2019 / by mark

Is Amazon Censoring My Reviews?

Just when we thought the evil big corporate suppression couldn’t get any worse… we have now discovered that Amazon is deleting the customer reviews on my best-selling book Larger Than Life: Defeating the Challenges of Your Giant Penis (and Any Other Big Problem). According to anonymous sources, the reviews of the book were so amazing that it was causing a record number of people to purchase the book. The evil corporate overlords decided that the reviews must be removed to help suppress this book.

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March 18, 2019 / by mark

Is My Book Being Suppressed?

Hello, fam, as you remember, we officially launched my very first best-selling book Larger Than Life: Defeating the Challenges of Your Giant Penis (and Any Other Big Problem) on March 14, 2019. This book can be purchased through Amazon here and at every major book store.

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