The Mark Covern Blog

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April 28, 2019 / by mark

Why I Have Stopped Book Signings

It is with an extremely heavy heart that I am announcing that the Larger Than Life book tour has been completely canceled. All planned and future book signings have been canceled and abandoned.

Agents of chaos have been unleashed on every event that we try to put on, causing severe security concerns that we do not have the staff or resources to fight against. We can only assume that these agents are part of the big machine conspiracy from giant corporations and the evil government deep state. These forces of evil are relentless in their pursuit to shut us down and make us poor and unable to feed our families. The knowledge inside Mark Covern’s book is just too powerful for governments and corporations to allow the public to discover.

Act now and buy as many copies of my paperback as you can afford, before we are silenced by the big media’s and big government’s conspiracy against us.

If you haven’t purchased the ebook edition yet, please do so before this book gets permanently banned.

The fight rages on against the global elite and totalitarian regimes who wish to silence Mark Covern and his life-changing message. Please consider donating some of your hard-earned money to help us fight the good fight against the dark forces of evil. donate here